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Companions from Cloverhill

Judy occasionally has companions, (puppies or more mature pets) available for placement.

Judy has been a member of the Basset Hound Club of America since 1974 and a responsible and respected breeder of Bassets for over forty years. She is a life member of the Pilgrim Basset Hound Club and has served in numerous positions.

Judy requires that all pets be spayed or neutered.

The decision to add a companion pet to the family is a big one.

She requires that she speak directly with those looking for a companion.

She wants to know about your experience with the Basset, or with other pets you have had, whether there are children involved, and if all members of the family are in agreement with the choice to have a pet Basset.

To discuss a companion, contact Judy by email at:

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or by phone at 207-666-5950.

Bassets as Gifts

Judy will not place puppies on Christmas day or during the holiday. It is too hectic a time to bring a new puppy or companion into the home.

She recommends instead that you give the items necessary for a new family member, and bring in a pet at a later date.