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Judy's Breeding Program

Judy has been a member of the BHCA since 1974. Her breeding program has evolved over the years. She has a specific style that she likes, and is constantly striving to produce good quality Bassets, keeping good temperament and health in the forefront.

The Beginning

Judy & Doug in the early years

Douglas, Judy's husband, had always wanted a Basset Hound. Although Judy liked dogs, she didn't think the timing was great, as Douglas was in the service, she had four children and a full time job.

He came home one day with 'Snoopy' who he bought from a private home, though she had come from Forestbay Kennels.

Judy's children with 'Snoopy', Caper of Cantebury Hill

Judy fell in love with the Basset Hound breed, and decided to become more involved. She decided to breed Snoopy and went to Forestbay Kennel for their advice. Snoopy was bred to Forestbay Old MacDonald and had a litter of six. One of those puppies was named Melissa of Cantebury Hill. Melissa was bred to CH Forestbay Orvil of Manor Hill, producing a puppy Judy named Heather.

While living at Loring Air Force Base, Judy began looking for an obedience class. She met a gentleman who suggested she show Melissa and Heather in Canada. Heather won the breed the first day from the puppy class and Melissa won the second day. Judy was hooked.

While showing in Canada, Judy met Deirdre McKinnon of Corkery Bassets. They struck a life long friendship and often work together with the Bassets.

C/CH Melissa of Cantebury Hill

C/CH Heather of Cantebury Hill

C/CH Melissa of Cantebury Hill

Though happy with the early success of Melissa and Heather, Judy realized that there was a lot of room for improvement in the conformation of the girls.

Deirdre had purchased Manor Hill Sweet Tooth, a bitch from Joan Scholz. She was bred to CH Manor Hill Father James and produced a daughter, Corkery's Solemn Melody in 1979.

Judy liked the Manor Hill dogs, so she purchased Melody. She bred Melody to CH Forestbay Cock of the Walk.

The Next Phase

This litter produced a bitch that more closely represented what Judy wished to breed. Her name was A/C CH Cloverhill's Copper Penny.

Judy was pleased with Copper Penny and the desire to improve her breeding program increased. She and Douglas had moved to Bowdoinham, Maine when Douglas retired from the Air Force. Judy took the opportunity to change her kennel name to "Cloverhill Bassets" and the journey to become a good breeder producing and showing nice Bassets began in earnest.

A/C CH Cloverhill's Copper Penny

A/C CH Corkery's Abercrombie, ROM

"Socks", A/C CH Corkery's Abercrombie, ROM came to the United States from Deirdre McKinnon when he was three in 1982. Judy fell in love, and finished his Championship in the United States. Socks never returned to Canada. He lived his life with Judy, and she felt privileged to have him.

"Socks" produced fifteen American and Canadian Champions, and was the Top Producing Sire in the United States in 1990. Judy knew that he was a good producer, and used him wisely with her girls, as well as a few carefully chosen outside girls.

Socks was bred to CH Silver Bow's Sarah Bernhardt in 1988. That breeding produced 'Fridge', CH Silverbow's Cloverhill Tramp, ROM. He was bred to CH Cloverhill's Cover Girl. That breeding produced Judy's first Best in Show dog, 'Jake', A/C CH Jolly Time G Q of Cloverhill, ROM. It was quite an exciting win for Judy. She felt like the breeding program was producing the style of dog that she wished for.

Both Socks and Jake were bred judiciously and Judy was pleased with what they were producing.

A/C CH Jolly Time G Q of Cloverhill, ROM

A/C CH Topsfield Don Quijote, ROM

While she knew that bitches are important to a breeding program, Judy also knew that sometimes it is easier to find a good male to bring in than a bitch, so she chose a dog that she had watched Claudia Orlandi show. That dog was CH Topsfield Don Quijote. Quijote had a beautiful front, and Judy was smitten. She had known Claudia for a while, and was very excited to acquire Quijote. Judy finished him to his Canadian Championship, and her breeding program moved ahead with this new addition.

Judy was consistently producing typey dogs which had many of the attributes that she was looking for. Quijote gave her another piece of the puzzle. Quijote earned Register of Merit status and was a good asset to Judy's breeding program.

A/C CH Me-Don's Cloverhill Encore, ROM

Judy also brought in two other dogs, A/C CH Me-Don's Cloverhill Encore, ROM, who she got as a puppy and A/C CH Soundtrack Roll Me Away, ROM, C/ROM C/CD, who she leased.

Both dogs have had an impact on her breeding program. Judy, though she loves the boys, knows that bitches are the key to a successful breeding program. To that end, she worked with other breeders to bring in quality girls with an emphasis on good shoulders.

A/C CH Soundtrack Roll Me Away, ROM, C/ROM, C/CD

CH Topsfield Andromeda of Vision

CH Topsfield-Cloverhill Buggy Bumpers, ROM

CH Cloverhill-Topsfield Cable Cars

Annie pictured above left, was co-owned by Judy Tuck and Claudia Orlandi. Annie was bred to CH Topsfield Bumper Cars, CD, ROM and produced CH Cloverhill-Topsfield Cable Cars (above right). Cable produced well for Judy. His litterbrother, BIS winning CH Topsfield-Cloverhill Buggy Bumpers, ROM, like his brother Cable, was also a good producer for Judy (above middle).

Moving Forward to the Present

CH Topsfield-Sanchu Dior O'Cloverhill

Dior, bred to CH Topsfield Jolly Time Yo-Yo Ma produced CH FT Merrill Topsfield Yahoo, Judy's third Best in Show Dog. Yahoo was co-bred by Judy and Claudia, and owned at the time by Claudia Orlandi & Joan Urban.

Dior was then bred to AUS & AM CH Topsfield-Sanchu King of Queens. That litter produced three girls co-owned by Judy and Claudia.

CH FT Merrill-Topsfield Yahoo

CH Cloverhill Topsfield Free Spin

One of the three girls, CH Cloverhill Topsfield Free Spin was bred to American Grand, and Australian CH Beauchasseur Hewgo Boss.

One of those offspring, CH Topsfield-Sanchu House of Mirrors was Reserve Winners Bitch at the 2013 BHCA Nationals. Mirror has been bred, and Judy and Claudia look forward to seeing the results of that breeding.

CH Topsfield-Sanchu House of Mirrors of Cloverhill

A/C CH Cloverhill's J.D. Robb

Pictured left, a Cable Cars son, out of A/C CH Cloverhill's Molly Malone, "Robbie" is also contributing to the program.

Robbie's litter sister, CH Cloverhill's Danielle Steele (pictured right) was bred to GCH Topsfield Maredge Earl Grey.

CH Cloverhill's Danielle Steele

Cloverhill's Party Girl

This produced two littermates that Judy kept for her breeding program. Cloverhill's Party Girl, pictured left is a young bitch that Judy is very excited about.

Party Girl's litter brother, Cloverhill's Mr. Independence is pictured right. Judy is also hopeful about his future.

Cloverhill's Mr. Independence

Am Grand & C/CH Corkery's I Am The Captain

Another look to the future includes another male, sired by Buggy Bumpers, out of CH Corkery's Strike it Rich. He was bred by Deirdre McKinnon and her daughter Sarah.

He is American GCH & C/CH Corkery's I Am The Captain is owned by Judy and Deirdre and was Select Dog at the 2013 BHCA Nationals.

Judy & Gretel

Judy attributes much of her success to her association with her co-breeders, as well as to hard work. She has brought new people into our breed and patiently mentored them.

After so many years involved in the breed, Judy is as enthusiastic as ever, looking forward to the future and enjoying her relationships with her breeder friends and her Basset Hounds.

Judy & Buggy